About SafeSide

Our Partners, Values, and Team

SafeSide provides...

SafeSide Prevention provides leadership consultation and workforce education for health, mental health, educational, and governmental organizations seeking to unite and inspire their mental health and primary care workforces to prevent suicide. We provide a framework, tools, templates, training, and data to strengthen organizational cultures for safety and prevention; promote best practices, policies, and pathways; and support your workforce with fresh, engaging ongoing education and development. Our flexible programs can be customized to support your specific goals, populations, and organizational needs.

SafeSide serves...

SafeSide serves organizations in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. SafeSide Australia has partnered with the State of New South Wales Toward Zero Suicide Initiative to train mental health teams statewide and with the Department of Veteran Affairs (Open Arms - Veterans & Families Counseling) to implement and deeply embed the SafeSide Framework in services nationwide. In the US, SafeSide has partnered with the State of Utah, the South Carolina Department of Social Services, and with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to disseminate primary care training through local chapters in all 50 states.

Core Values

More than Safety

Safety is essential, but not the final goal. We'll help you meet patient safety goals and regulations, but we aim higher: toward recovery, health, and happiness.

Better Together: Clinical and Lived Experience

All SafeSide educational programs are co-led by a suicide prevention expert and instructors with diverse lived experience.

Measure Your Impact

SafeSide training grew out of programs and studies conducted by Dr. Tony Pisani at the University of Rochester. Research on the approach is ongoing. We suggest metrics and provide data to assist our subscribers in measuring their impact and progress.

Healthy Team

We prioritize the health, prosperity, and connectedness of our team, so our partnership with you will be warm, productive, and uplifting.


Meliora (“always better!”) is the motto of the University of Rochester and a core value of SafeSide Prevention. We offer subscriptions, ongoing contact, and continually updated materials to keep up with advances in the field and to respond to feedback and requests from our subscriber community.

SafeSide Prevention ascribes to the Aeschi Guidelines for care of patients at risk for suicide.

The SafeSide Team

Educational Media & Data
Pedro Centeno, PhD

Clinical psychology + film/video production + massive creativity makes Pedro the perfect fit for producing powerful media to drive SafeSide programs and communications.

Technical Advisor
Phil Chapados

SafeSide powers workforce education through technology, creativity, and human connection. Drawing on his experience as a CTO in tech manufacturing, Phil keeps SafeSide thinking ahead, leveraging technology innovation toward the goal of zero suicide.

Program Coordinator/Family Advocate (SafeSide Australia)
Mel Clark

Mel brings a professional balance of compassion, empathy, and determination to her work, with a goal to provide and find “the hope” for others. A long-time carer for her brother, a survivor of Adverse Childhood Experiences and someone who has transitioned beyond vicarious trauma in the workplace, Mel is committed to using her lived and living experiences to help shine a light on all things “family” and the importance of wellbeing, justice, healing and recovery.

Read more about Mel's story.

Director of Learning Transfer & Sustainability
Sarah Donovan, PsyD

Sarah led a successful rollout of SafeSide as Director of Evidence-Based Practice in a large youth services organization. She liked it so much, she joined our team! Now Sarah wakes up each day thinking of new ways to leverage implementation science to support the transfer of learning to practice and outcomes.

Lived Experience Faculty (SafeSide Australia)
Sam Fewings

Sam spent twenty years working in Human Resources and Insurance before dedicating himself to suicide prevention as an advisor and facilitator. Sam has lived experience of suicide and is passionate about stigma reduction and giving a voice to others with lived experience.

Program and Implementation Manager
Tiyana Gostelow

Tiyana joins the SafeSide Prevention Team as our Program and Implementation Manager for the Australasian region. She brings with her more than 25 years of experience in clinical and senior leadership positions in mental health and suicide prevention.

Tiyana’s association with SafeSide isn’t new. Her past roles have given her a direct understanding of how our frameworks have significantly influenced communities in their journey towards achieving zero suicides.

Content and Communications Manager
Annie Lewis

With a background in journalism for regional and metro news outlets, Annie is bringing her skills in creating meaningful content to the communications and marketing team. Annie combines her passion for suicide prevention, and amplifying the voices of those with lived experience with her creativity and can-do attitude to support SafeSide in communicating and connecting with it's growing subscriber base.

Senior Video Producer and Editor
Hannah Mang

As SafeSide’s Senior Video Producer and Editor, Hannah creates impactful video content and engaging learning modules for our partners across the world. She brings previous deep and varied experience in global commercial and film production.

Director of Workforce Education & Innovation
Dan Mobbs

Before coming to SafeSide, Dan spent two decades working as a social worker and clinical educator across health, counselling and suicide prevention services. Dan is passionate about improving care for people with suicide concerns. He now channels this passion into ensuring that SafeSide’s programs fit the settings, populations and cultures they serve.

Lived Experience Faculty & Instructor
Kristina Zurich

A gifted teacher dedicated to helping people see the many reasons they have for living. She keeps the team thinking about what patients experience in the health and behavioral health care system.

Read more about Kristina's story.

Violence Prevention
Dan Murrie, PhD

A University of Virginia forensic psychologist who lends his violence prevention expertise to our programs. Dan and Tony are research and thinking partners for SafeSide’s risk formulation model.

Tony Pisani, PhD

Primary care psychologist, family therapist, and suicide prevention researcher at the University of Rochester Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide. Tony spent 10 years developing and road-testing the SafeSide framework and educational methods.

Learn more about why he founded SafeSide and his academic work.

Writer & Editor
Paul Scade, PhD

Paul has spent 20 years in the writing trade, first as an academic historian and then as a professional writer and editor. Paul is committed to the SafeSide mission and works across the organization to communicate SafeSide’s values, work, and research.

Director of Technical Services & Support
Tim Sheehan

Tim’s skills in technical services have been honed during a career spanning more than 30 years in tech. A leader who knows systems inside and out, Tim makes the complex look easy.

General Manager, Australia
Jamie Thompson

Jamie joined SafeSide in 2023 as the inaugural General Manager for Australia. As a psychologist with 18 years’ experience in suicide prevention and related fields, and 11 years’ experience in management roles, Jamie brings the expertise, passion, and knowledge needed to deliver SafeSide’s goals at scale.

Graphic Designer
Miguel Valdez

Bold design from a humble soul. Miguel makes our work pop and contributes a steady "I'll take care of it" spirit to our team.

Chief Operating Officer
Ann Wood

Ann brings decades of experience in the corporate world helping global organizations succeed with major software implementations. Wanting to make a difference in suicide prevention, Ann now applies her talents to making sure our subscriber organizations have a clear path to success with the SafeSide Framework and training programs.

Work With Us

Step 1.

Connect with Our Team

Chat or schedule a call with a member of our team to see if SafeSide's programs align with your goals and budget.

Step 2.

Purchase a Subscription

Purchase an annual subscription for your team, organization, or region.

Step 3.

Track Your Impact

Receive reports from our data evaluation team based on your staff's responses to research-based measures.

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