News and Articles

Articles from SafeSide Prevention

Providing news, insights, evidence, and research that informs SafeSide’s Preventions approach and practice.
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How a sibling bond launched a suicide prevention advocacy mission

For more than two decades, Mel navigated the complex landscape of mental health services as her brother's fiercest advocate during his ongoing struggle.
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The hardest, best job: Kristina’s path to mental health recovery

A decade into her recovery, Kristina emphasises that the path is not linear. Even ten years  later, she has to be mindful of her mental health.
Friends Families group

New eLearning course to support those helping individuals with substance use and suicide concerns

SafeSide Prevention has launched a no-cost eLearning course to support those helping someone grappling with substance use and suicide concerns.
Aod Two Women Sitting Interview Setting

Why being honest can be a powerful moment of connection

The call to action for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 is “Start the Conversation”, so it's important to think about engaging in open, honest conversations.
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How self-care kits are connecting youth to services

Meet Danny Caldwell, one of SafeSide Prevention’s members.
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‘Now is not the time to slow down’: Start considering your feedback for the Australian National Strategy

‘Now is not the time to slow down’: Start considering your feedback for the Australian National Strategy
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Seeing beyond the data: Recognizing that we’ve come a long way offers hope

Seeing beyond the data: Recognizing that we’ve come a long way offers hope
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'We cannot underestimate the power of just sitting beside someone’

'We cannot underestimate the power of just sitting beside someone’
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‘It's the people with lived experience that just keep me so passionate’

‘It's the people with lived experience that just keep me so passionate’
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Thinking differently about suicide prevention: Meet Jo Riley

Thinking differently about suicide prevention: Meet Jo Riley
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‘You can't be a silo’: Meet NSW Health’s Pippa Stevenson

‘You can't be a silo’: Meet NSW Health’s Pippa Stevenson
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5Cs for taking on hard problems in suicide prevention

SafeSide Prevention Founder Prof. Tony Pisani shares his thoughts on the theme for 2024 Suicide Prevention Australia National Conference: ‘Collective Courage. Accelerate Impact.’
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Honouring our veterans outside of planned observances

Thank you to the women and men who serve.
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Newly adapted suicide prevention program to unite alcohol and other drugs sector

SafeSide Framework for Suicide Prevention – Alcohol and Other Drugs launched after partnership between SafeSide Prevention and the Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative.
Evidence overview

An Overview of the Evidence Base for InPlace® Learning

Overview of evidence base for InPlace Learning by SafeSide Prevention, an innovative suicide prevention training program combining workshops, digital tools, and community support.
Safeside framework overview and evidence

Framework for Suicide Prevention: Overview and Evidence Summary

A Unifying Framework to Guide Suicide Prevention Best Practice Across Roles The SafeSide Framework is a map of evidence-based and best practices in suicide prevention.
National Suicide Prevention Conference

SafeSide Prevention Proudly Sponsors The National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024

Join SafeSide Prevention at the National Suicide Prevention Conference 2024 in Adelaide, a key event for sharing innovations in suicide prevention.
Weekly Microlearning

Why person-centred descriptive terms matter

Certain words or phrases such as “high-risk,” “inappropriate,” and “frequent flier” might seem accurate in the moment but can be dismissive and shift focus away from the person’s experience.
More than safety

Helping someone start the journey

Here are some strategies you can try to collaborate with a person seeking mental health help and convey your commitment to supporting their journey.
More than safety

Highlighting opportunities to close systems gaps for suicide prevention

An article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association raises significant concerns about the handling of children and adolescents with suicidal ideation
More than safety

Supporting the mental health of LGBTQIA+ youth

When thinking about supporting a young person who is part of this community, here are a few population-specific ideas.
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Office Hours Recap: Providing support for those who have difficulty engaging in therapy

How to use the SafeSide Framework to walk through helping someone who has difficulty engaging in therapy.
More than safety

The importance of asking directly about suicide

Asking directly about suicide can be hard for even the most experienced helper or clinician. Here is why it is important.
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Office Hours Recap: Research spotlight and our top takeaways

Office Hours Recap: Research spotlight and our top takeaways on structural racism and suicide prevention, predicting suicide, and caring contacts.
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Office Hours Recap: What if parents say their child's suicidal thinking is "attention-seeking"?

How to respond if parents say their child's suicidal thinking is "attention-seeking".
More than safety

How do I support someone who feels like suicide is their only remaining option?

Thoughts of suicide grab hold of people with the desire for relief; relief from painful feelings, circumstances, trauma, and social conditions. So it's important to offer hope and bridge the divide.
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Office Hours Recap: How can we ask about suicide directly, but sensitively?

Asking a person about suicide and about their thoughts or plans is a critical part of connecting with people. Here are some strategies to approach this.
Children and youth services review

Evaluation of sustainable, blended learning workforce education for suicide prevention in youth services

Explore how SafeSide's InPlace Learning enhances suicide prevention skills in youth services. Download the full study for impactful insights.
Restorative Just Culture Outcomes

Insights from "Restorative Just Culture Outcomes"

Key findings from the study "Restorative Just Culture Outcomes" on improving healthcare response systems.
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Office Hours: Strategies for when a situation feels hopeless

Safe Side Office Hours: Strategies for working with a person when their situation sometimes feels hopeless.
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Office Hours Recap: How to use SafeSide Framework if you don't have direct access to the person at risk

Office Hours Recap: How to use the SafeSide Framework if there is no direct access to the person at risk.
Weekly Microlearning

Research update on caring contacts

Research update about 'non-demand caring contacts’
Inconvenient truths in suicide prevention

Addressing Inconvenient Truths in Suicide Prevention: A Call for a Restorative Just Culture

Explore key insights from the Turner et al. 2020 article on implementing a Restorative Just Culture in suicide prevention.
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Promising Outcomes of Wingman-Connect Program in Reducing Suicidal Behavior Among US Air Force Personnel

Explore the effectiveness of the Wingman-Connect program in reducing suicidal behavior among US Air Force personnel. Read the full study analysis.