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Articles from SafeSide Prevention

Providing news, insights, evidence, and research that informs SafeSide’s Preventions approach and practice.
Aod Two Women Sitting Interview Setting

Why being honest can be a powerful moment of connection

The call to action for World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10 is “Start the Conversation”, so it's important to think about engaging in open, honest conversations.
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How self-care kits are connecting youth to services

Meet Danny Caldwell, one of SafeSide Prevention’s members.
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‘Now is not the time to slow down’: Start considering your feedback for the Australian National Strategy

‘Now is not the time to slow down’: Start considering your feedback for the Australian National Strategy
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Seeing beyond the data: Recognizing that we’ve come a long way offers hope

Seeing beyond the data: Recognizing that we’ve come a long way offers hope
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'We cannot underestimate the power of just sitting beside someone’

'We cannot underestimate the power of just sitting beside someone’
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‘It's the people with lived experience that just keep me so passionate’

‘It's the people with lived experience that just keep me so passionate’
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Thinking differently about suicide prevention: Meet Jo Riley

Thinking differently about suicide prevention: Meet Jo Riley
Safeside framework overview and evidence

Framework for Suicide Prevention: Overview and Evidence Summary

A Unifying Framework to Guide Suicide Prevention Best Practice Across Roles The SafeSide Framework is a map of evidence-based and best practices in suicide prevention.
Children and youth services review

Evaluation of sustainable, blended learning workforce education for suicide prevention in youth services

Explore how SafeSide's InPlace Learning enhances suicide prevention skills in youth services. Download the full study for impactful insights.