What do I do if I have a question or experience to share at Office Hours?

What do I do if I have a question or experience to share at Office Hours?

If you have a question, you can show up at Office Hours and ask!  No prep is needed. However, there are often several people with questions, so to make sure yours gets answered, claim a slot ahead of time by emailing [email protected].

What to expect: 

Office Hours starts with a quick welcome, then opens for questions. It’s very informal.  

When sharing your experience or asking a question, plan on sharing a quick background (2-3 minutes).  Try to hit on:

your question or goal, if you have one

a few strengths or protective factors about the person or relevant to the situation

brief context, staying clear of identifying information

A detailed history is usually not necessary and we can always ask if we need to know more…

That’s it. See you soon!